Message Therapy: Is it right for you?

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to I wanted to send this out a couple days ago but ran into a few tech issues. Thankfully they are resolved and now I have the pleasure of showing you my First Interview!

This interview is on a unique subject you may or may not be familiar with: Message Therapy.

If you have ever wondered the following questions this interview is a must see!

  1. What is Message Therapy?

  2. Is Message therapy safe and right for me?

  3. What are the health benefits of Message therapy?

    All of these questions are answered as well as a few more during this interview with my cousin and Licensed Message therapist: Jessica Fleming. Trust me she knows what she is talking about. The video itself answers some of the many questions you could have about Message therapy including different treatments that can be performed by your Message therapist.

    IF that interests you, than Great news: Jessica has agreed to create a Mini series covering different topics and treatments related to Message therapy. Look out for those videos on Youtube as well as here on the blog in the future.

    I really hope you enjoy the video and what you learn from it. Please feel free as always to comment below. Do you think you might enjoy message therapy? If you have done message before, please tell me how it was helpful to you. I would enjoy hearing from you.

    I do want to let you know there may not be resources attached here yet. That could change soon. In the meantime, feel free to also follow me on Instagram #Mindbodyfoodconnection. I post many quotes and recipes you may enjoy.

    I hope this information was helpful to you and remember the mind, body, and food are all interconnected. Have a lovely day.

    See below to watch the video.